We provide site support during commissioning and start-up process with commissioning of your control system. Our team key goal is to ensure commissioning stage is executed in a timely, well planned and safe manner. Through our commissioning processes, we will perform I/O testing, drive test runs (bumps), dry/wet commissioning, loop tunning and optimisation, performance testing and hand-over to the client. We strive to ensure clients expectations agreed upon at the beginning of the project are met and exceeded, setting the client for successful operation.

All our testing is covered by appropriate testing procedures and check sheets which form a vital part of handover documentation. Testing procedures and check sheets enable us to provide accurate commissioning tracking with required frequency of progress reports as agreed with client.

Typical stages of commissioning executed by our team:

  • I/O Testing
    • This stage is executed with electrical personnel to ensure all field instrumentation are setup correctly and provide good signals back to the control system with no discrepancies between the drawings and the physical wiring. Ensuring complete alignment from the physical field device all the way through to the HMI is a vital part of ensuring start-up of the process is as smooth as possible.
  • Dry Commissioning
    • This stage is executed with electrical and mechanical personnel to spin every motor and stroke each valve one by one to confirm functional operation. This testing is not so much about the control system as it is about confirming that drive direction is correct and mechanical components are fully functional (temperature and vibration checks).
  • Wet Commissioning
    • This stage is executed with electrical, mechanical and process personnel to start-up the plant with water (only) to check overall functionality of the process design and implementation. A key part of this stage with regards to the control system is testing the interlocking between subsystems or drives.
  • Process Commissioning
    • This stage is executed with predominantly process personnel to slowly bring increased amounts of raw material into the process with the aim of reaching nameplate production rates for prolonged periods of time. This encompasses complex functionality checks such as loop tuning, sequence testing and testing of inventory management systems.
  • Handover
    • Finally, upon completion of the required commissioning activities we provide a record of the test results that demonstrate the control system meets the project specifications and required performance levels. All configuration files including PLC programs and HMI backups are then formally handed over to the client.